Investing in a healthy future.

Exploring moonshots in mental health, ending veteran suicide, safeguarding human rights, and confronting the climate crisis.

The Jurvetson Foundation empowers visionary leaders, organizations, policymakers, and pioneering research initiatives dedicated to creating a healthier world.

Exploring Moonshots in Mental Health

We are facing an escalating mental health crisis, yet available treatments remain limited and insufficiently effective. In the U.S. alone, over 12 million people suffer from PTSD, 20 million struggle with depression, and nearly 20 million battle substance use disorders.

Psychedelic-assisted therapy represents one of the most effective mental health treatments ever studied. In MAPS' Phase III clinical trials, 67% of participants treated with MDMA no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD after suffering for an average of 14 years, and 88% experienced significant symptom improvement after only three sessions. Promising outcomes have also been observed with psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression, LSD for generalized anxiety, and 5-MeO-DMT for depression.

We actively invest in pioneering research into these transformative compounds, as well as critical policy and advocacy efforts, initiatives to ensure equitable access, and education and safety programs.

Please explore the work of these incredible organizations: PSFC, The Coalition for Psychedelic Safety and Education, The Psychedelic Mental Health Access Alliance, The University Psychedelic Education Program (U-PEP), SHINE Collective, End Chronic Disease, Ripples, MAPS, Sunstone Therapies, Fireside Project, and the Healing Advocacy Fund, as well as these brilliant scientists: Dr. Nolan Williams at Stanford University, Dr. David Yaden at John Hopkins University, Dr. Alex Lehmann at McGill University, Dr. Gul Dolen at Berkeley, and Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris at UCSF.

Ending Veteran Suicide

We support and advocate on behalf of organizations that aim to end veteran suicide (approximately 22 Veterans take their lives every day). These organizations help our veterans find and finance alternative treatment for traumas incurred in the service of our country and advocate for policy change to support the health and well-being of our veterans and their families.

Please see the incredible work of VETS, Heroic Hearts, and Reason for Hope to learn more.

Protecting Human Rights Globally

More than half of our world lives under tyranny. Tyranny is the root cause of poverty, human rights violations, and war. We support the brave organizations and dissidents who fight dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. We are proud supporters of the Human Rights Foundation, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that promotes and protects human rights globally, with a focus on closed societies.

Addressing climate change

We fund innovative methods of combating our warming climate and support the communities that are most harmed by the impact of climate change. We are pleased to support the exceptional scientists at the Salk Institute’s Harnessing Plants Initiative, which is optimizing a plant’s natural ability to sequester carbon, and the Good Food Institute, which is a think tank working to accelerate alternative protein innovation. We also support an incredible team in Africa called the One Acre Fund which supplies farmers with everything they need to grow their way out of poverty. They enable farmers — most of whom are women — to provide nutritious meals to their families. Lastly, we are longtime supporters of The B612 Foundation. B612 has developed tools to map and navigate our solar system and protect our planet from asteroid impacts.